The Texas Forensic Association is committed to bringing the best out in speech and debate in the state of Texas.
The purpose of the Texas Forensic Association is to bring about more effective cooperation among the members of the speech and theatre arts profession in the discharge of their special responsibilities in forensic and theatre activities; to create a means of educating the general and professional public to the important educational functions of forensics and theatre arts; to make collective action possible on problems of common professional interest;
and, in general, to maintain and advance the ideals and standards of the speech and theatre arts profession.
The Texas Forensic Association shall promote the interests of interscholastic speech and theatre by encouraging a spirit of fellowship among participating students and teachers.
Activities viewed as central to the organization's function include debate, theatre, and competitive individual speaking events.
The membership of the organization has grown steadily each year with more than 420 professional members in the 1997-1998 Silver anniversary year.
The Association continues to set high standards and strive to meet new goals for the benefit of Texas Teachers and students. The model of the Texas Forensic Association has been recommended for other states where similar needs are felt.
Coach Retention/
New Coach Mentorship
(Ad Hoc)
EC Advisor: Nathanial Council and Preston Stolte
Region 1: Mellessa Denny
Region 2: Robin Liesenfelt
Region 3: James "Thomas" Cox
Region 4: Hannah McCord
Region 5: Kyle Peterson
Congressional Debate
EC Advisor: Nathanial Council
Region 1: Ryan Lovell
Region 2: Neal White
Region 3: Gina Lozano
Region 4: Harry Yu
Region 5: James Thompson
EC Advisor: Kim Falco
Region 1: Andy Zeigler
Region 2: Neal White
Region 3: Dawn Stubblefield
Region 4: Heath Martin
Region 5: Yolanda Silva
EC Advisor: Hannah Rodriguez
Region 1: Heather Soltero
Region 2: Dr. Tracy McFarland
Region 3:
Region 4:
Region 5: Daniel Rosales
EC Advisor: Brian Alford
Region 1: Cristian Mora
Region 2: Dave Huston
Region 3: Noah Recker
Region 4: Greg McGee
Region 5: James Thompson
Hall of Fame Membership
EC Advisor: Preston Stolte
Region 1: Ann Shofner
Region 2: Walter Willis
Region 3: Kandi King
Region 4: Eloise Blair
Region 5: Shawn Mena
Professional Relations
EC Advisor: Nathaniel Council
Region 1: JT Seymour
Region 2: Aaron Timmons
Region 3: Brian Eanes
Region 4: Victoria Beard
Region 5: Irene Gardea
Public Relations
EC Advisor: Hannah Rodriguez
Region 1: Ryan Lovell
Region 2: Melonie Menefee
Region 3:
Region 4: Ashley Freeman
Region 5: Kyle Peterson
EC Advisor: Tasha Jones
Region 1: Brett Howard
Region 2: Jane Boyd
Region 3: El Contreras
Region 4: Dustin Kay
Region 5: Irene Gardea
World Schools Debate
EC Advisor: Davy Holmes
Region 1: Brett Howard
Region 2: Amberley Ferrell-Tanner
Region 3: Cale McCrary
Region 4: Courtney Coffman
Region 5: Joshua Wimberley
The Texas Speech Communication Association
TFA is an interest group of the Texas Speech Communication Association (TSCA).
Membership in TSCA is open to any communication educator, communication student, communication consultant, or any individual interested in learning about the field of speech communication.
All levels of instruction and areas of interest are represented in the association. The rewards of membership in TSCA include updated professional awareness, networking with other professionals, and exposure to innovation, teaching methodologies, and scholarly works relevant to the discipline of speech communication.
TFA is an interest group of the Texas Speech Communication Association. To become a member of TFA, join TSCA and select TFA as one of your affiliated interest groups. The TSCA application for membership may be filled out online. As the last step of registration, you may either pay for your membership with a credit card, or you may print out a copy of the completed membership application and send it along with the appropriate payment to the TSCA Executive Secretary.
The deadline for membership is January 31 each year. If you are attending convention and the TFA business meeting, you will need to be paid prior to convention which takes place in October.
Schools intending to qualify for and compete at the State Tournament must join by January 31.
Schools hosting an IQT must either hold an institutional membership or have at least one educator who is an individual TSCA/TFA member.